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Scientists Claim Cannabis Can Affect Fertility for Both Men and Women

Scientists Claim Cannabis Can Affect Fertility for Both Men and Women

Scientists Claim Cannabis Can Affect Fertility for Both Men and Women The legalization of marijuana could mean a reduction in fertility rates, regardless of whether men or women partake. Canadian M...

Michigan In Need of Feedback to Create Rules and Regulations for Recreational Use

Michigan In Need of Feedback to Create Rules and Regulations for Recreational Use

Michigan In Need of Feedback to Create Rules and Regulations for Recreational Use   The state of Michigan has until December to come up with rules and regulations so they can begin to hand out lice...

Benefits of Vaping vs. Smoking Weed

Vaping has become a popular way to consume marijuana. While many states across the country have legalized medical marijuana in various forms, some of those states have very strict regulations. In c...

BatteryCCELL Silo vs. CCELL Palm: Which is Right for You? | Marijuana Packaging

CCELL Silo vs. CCELL Palm: Which is Right for You?

Which handheld CCELL vape battery design is the right fit for you?

marijuana packagingFrom Mylar to Glass Child Resistant Jars: The Best Materials for State Cannabis Compliance

From Mylar to Glass Child Resistant Jars: The Best Materials for State Cannabis Compliance

From classic glass child resistant jars to silicone dab containers, cannabis packaging uses a variety of materials. Which is best for child resistance?

DispensaryWhat Do Tariffs on Chinese Imports Mean for Your Cannabis Business?

What Do Tariffs on Chinese Imports Mean for Your Cannabis Business?

Have you been following the news on the tariffs that the U.S. has levied against goods imported from China? More importantly, what do these tariffs mean for you specifically? While the true magnit...

Can Marijuana Treat Dementia?

Marijuana has been boasted as a treatment for a variety of illnesses and conditions, from cancer, AIDS and epilepsy, to chronic pain, insomnia and anxiety. With medical marijuana legal in 31 states...