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Marijuana High Increased with These 6 Foods | Marijuana Packaging

Marijuana High Increased with These 6 Foods

As the popularity of marijuana continues to grow and prohibition slowly fades into the past, there are more and more people looking for ways to enhance and improve the quality of their high. With h...

Benefits of WeedDo Marijuana Benefits Include Hair Growth? | Marijuana Packaging

Do Marijuana Benefits Include Hair Growth?

We have really only just begun to scratch the surface of our knowledge about marijuana. For such a long period of time it has been attached to a negative stigma and been illegal, which has frighten...

marijuana researchMedicinal Marijuana a Surprising Solution for Asthmatics

Medicinal Marijuana a Surprising Solution for Asthmatics

It’s been hammered home on this blog as well as pretty much any marijuana blog you’ll come across that further research is desperately needed into the health benefits offered by the obviously v...

marijuana researchMoldy Marijuana Could Be Contaminating Your Stash

Moldy Marijuana Could Be Contaminating Your Stash

Even if your interest in cannabis is purely recreational, you probably enjoy the peace of mind thanks to research supporting its minimal health impacts, even when smoked. But just as easily as you...

marijuana researchStoner Couples Enjoy Unique Relationship Benefits

Stoner Couples Enjoy Unique Relationship Benefits

As it turns out, stoner couples are the recipients of more than just the physical and emotional benefits of marijuana. A recent study indicates that stoner couples have stronger and longer lasting...

cannabisMarijuana for Insomnia Eases Stress for Restful Nights

Marijuana for Insomnia Eases Stress for Restful Nights

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of suffering from insomnia, then you’re aware it’s a particularly stressful condition. As the hours go by while you toss and turn and daylight slowly approache...

AltitudesWeed Effects at High Altitudes: Higher Won’t Get You Higher | Marijuana Packaging

Weed Effects at High Altitudes: Higher Won’t Get You Higher

When the Colorado weed rush happened a few years ago, I remember friends of mine heading out there from Los Angeles, speculating at how much harder the weed would hit at higher elevations. As much ...