Does CBD Expire? Storage Tips for Maximum Shelf Life

Does CBD Expire? Storage Tips for Maximum Shelf Life

Marijuana is far more acceptable than it's ever been. The once-demonized plant has become far more celebrated among consumers and medical experts recently. THC is the most known cannabinoid in the marijuana plant due to its psychoactive component. However, CBD products are slowly creeping behind in the market, and it's an inescapable phenomenon, as we've seen with the rise of CBD wraps. The attraction to CBD is due to its medicinal benefits as a nonpsychoactive property in marijuana that helps with depression, PTSD, and anxiety, among other neurological disorders.

The thing is, we're in the earliest stages of cannabis research. The long-standing prohibition laws against marijuana prevented -- and continue to avoid -- scientists from effectively exploring every facet of the plant. Storing marijuana products is necessary for consumers and business owners to ensure their products don't go stale or sour. That can be for THC-heavy flower and concentrates to edibles containing CBD. Botanical products, in general, do have a timer on their shelf-life. It's critical to understand the different factors that contribute to their degradation. This way, you can identify solutions to extend their lifespan on shelves or at home if you're wondering, 'does CBD go bad?'

Does CBD Oil Expire?

Yes, CBD oil does expire, just like any other botanical product. However, there is some great news surrounding this -- it might take a while for the degradation process to begin. Most products will have an expiry date on the label, but many want to know how to tell when CBD is expired.

It begins with the CBD products losing their potency, which won't harm you, but will also lose all medicinal benefits. Sometimes, it could simply go wrong, creating issues down the line. However, CBD can weather through extended periods before reaching a point of degradation. Once the oil loses its potency, then it's finally expired. Since CBD can be on the pricier side, it's best to preserve your products in a safe storage space that can help extend their shelf life. Below, we further explore the lifespan of CBD products and the ways you can preserve them for longer.

What's The Shelf Life Of CBD Oil?

The shelf life of CBD oil varies. Some can withstand time longer than others because of a few critical factors to take into consideration, like quality and storage. For the most part, you can anticipate a bottle of CBD oil to last anywhere from 14 months to two years. Still, any cannabis products, whether THC or CBD, will be hit negatively if exposed to excessive sunlight or heat. These two factors are known to dry out flower and degrade the oil. So, even if you're banking on having CBD dropper bottles for a lengthy period, ensure the impacts of heat or sunlight don't have adverse effects. So if you're wondering, "does CBD lose its potency over time?" the answer is yes.

Another aspect to consider is the creation of CBD products. The quality of the oil, as well as the extraction process, plays a role in its expiry date. Premium hemp extracts that use minimal additives and processing will always have a longer lifespan due to their pureness.

The most effective method of extracting CBD or any other cannabinoid is through the CO2 extraction process. It's the most common practice in the industry, but it also optimizes CBD extraction efficiency. CBD products that use the CO2 extraction process will have a much longer shelf life compared to other oils that don't.

As mentioned earlier, every bottle should have a CBD oil expiration date to comply with FDA protocols.

The bottom line is that the answer is yes for anyone wondering, "Can CBD oil expire?"

What happens if you take expired CBD oil?

One of CBD's most common questions is, "Can you get sick from expired CBD oil?" For the most part, no, unless you're consuming ample amounts of it, which experts wouldn't recommend in the first place.

Expired CBD oil will lose its potency, so literally, nothing can happen if you consume it in small amounts. Now, do CBD capsules expire, too? Similarly, the medicinal benefits will fade over time due to CBD degradation.

Will expired CBD oil make you sick? No, not in small amounts, but it won't help you either.

How Can I Tell If CBD Oil Is Gone Bad?

Here are a few ways to determine whether CBD oil has gone bad, per Healthline.

Smell: if it has a bit of funk to it and doesn't contain the intense, rich earthy tones of CBD oil, then chances it is passed its expiry date.

Look: Once CBD oil becomes thick and dark, it's time to toss out that bottle. CBD oil should always have a natural color and viscosity- a nearly syrupy texture with tones of dark green to brown- whether in a bottle or a CBD oil filling syringe.

Taste: Like any botanical product, once it starts to taste a little funky, it's no longer suitable for consumption. CBD oil can have a variety of flavors if it goes through extensive processing. Natural CBD oil should have nutty and earthy flavors. So, if it tastes a bit funny, it's time to purchase a new bottle.

How Long Should CBD Oil Last?

A lot of people ponder 'how long does CBD oil last?' The answer to his question depends on how much you regularly use it. Some experts say a bottle of CBD oil should be able to last from 12 to 18 months, while others say it's 14 months to two years. However, if you're a regular consumer, it likely won't take long to breeze through.

Best Storage Tips For CBD Oil

As we've already answered your questions regarding "does CBD degrade over time?" it's time to break down the ways to preserve CBD oil and extend its lifespan.

It's essential to consider the packaging of CBD oil. Due to rigid compliant regulations, businesses must ensure they use the best CBD packaging for their products. Keeping your CBD in its original packaging minimizes tampering, even after it's opened. Additionally, it provides a better chance of storing it within an air-sealed environment.

Concerning environments, CBD needs storage spaces in specific places where tampering is minimal. For one, the room's temperature should be between 60 to 70°F. The best method is to store products in a cool and dark environment. Cupboards, closets, or pantries stand as your best option, mainly if they can prevent exposure to heat or cold sources. Ensure that the bottle isn't near any ventilation that could expose it to radiators, air conditions, windows, or stoves.

Finally, it's always best to use tools to extract the oils from the bottles. A clean dropper or a spoon is the best way to prevent bacteria and germs from getting inside your CBD oil and potentially ruining it.

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