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5 Non-Health Reasons People Switch Over to Herb Vaporizers
vape pens

5 Non-Health Reasons People Switch Over to Herb Vaporizers

It seems like 9 times out of 10, when someone decides to switch over to vaping, they say that they’re doing it for health reasons. There have been studies done into the health impact of smoking ca...

DispensaryChild Resistant Packaging for Cannabis Crucial to California Compliance

Child Resistant Packaging for Cannabis Crucial to California Compliance

After voting in favor of legalizing the adult use of cannabis in 2016, Californians were finally able to begin purchasing marijuana on January 1, 2018… well, in some cases anyway. While major c...

dab rigsQFZ Carb Cap Technology Raises Dabbing to the Flavor Zone

QFZ Carb Cap Technology Raises Dabbing to the Flavor Zone

It may be a generalization but dabbing is a corner of the vast world of weed that tends to attract the thrill seekers. It’s common sense that the most extreme form of cannabis consumption would...

dab rigsRemember the Rules of Etiquette When Using Your Dab Oil Rig

Remember the Rules of Etiquette When Using Your Dab Oil Rig

Dabbing, like everything else, has its own set of rules and engagement. There is etiquette that can change the whole experience of sharing a dab. Setting up a concentrate, lighting the nail and...

dabbingThe Glass Dabber in Your Dab Kit May Not Be the Best Option for You

The Glass Dabber in Your Dab Kit May Not Be the Best Option for You

Getting set up for a great dabbing experience can be a little complicated for a first time user. Sifting through the selection of rigs can be overwhelming not to mention choosing from the varie...

dab rigsElectric Dab Nail Features Allow for an Easier Wax Dabbing Experience

Electric Dab Nail Features Allow for an Easier Wax Dabbing Experience

I wouldn’t necessarily consider dabbing a risky activity but there are definitely factors that can result in a less-than-stellar dabbing experience, especially for those who are new to it. Most...

dab rigsDab Kit Convenience May Be Appealing but What Can You Expect it to Include?

Dab Kit Convenience May Be Appealing but What Can You Expect it to Include?

You’ve maybe heard the term dab kit thrown around and, while it’s immediately obvious that a kit is built around a dab rig, the rest of the kit may be a bit more uncertain. A kit can be a conve...